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25080 It's in the Bag

25080 It's in the Bag

Fill your day and your bag with everything Amish as you travel through the Millersburg, OH area. Everything from cheese, baked goods, crafts, and farm market items will be available besides a delicious Amish meal.

View Dates & Book
  • Hershberger Bakery and Farmers Market

  • Kiem

  • Heini's Cheese

  • Amish Home for Lunch

  • Ohio Market

  • Walnut Creek Cheese

  • Step-on Guide Gratuity

  • Motorcoach Transportation & Taxes


Click HERE for Trip Flyer

Day 1

Travel to Millersburg, OH, where you will meet your guide, who is born and raised in the area. They will share a lot about the Amish and the Mennonite culture and will take you on a backroads tour and answer all your questions! Receive a Gift Bag for all your goodies!

Hershberger Bakery and Farmers Market is the largest Amish family owned bakery in the area. There is a full line of baked goods, and locally grown produce. Walk out to the petting zoo where you will get to pet Big King. Received honey wheat bread and kettle corn to place in your bag.

Kiem is a locally owned building center, that is famous for their exotic wood displays. The architecture of the building is amazing. There is also a large retail store.

Enjoy a family style feast in an Amish Home for lunch, and some peanut butter whip for your bag!

At Heini’s Cheese, you will receive some cheese to place in your bag. Heini’s Cheese has over 20 varieties of locally made cheese, featuring their famous yogurt cheese!

Ohio Market is a new flea market with many new things to purchase. A quilted potholder for all!

The final stop is Walnut Creek Cheese, the largest bulk food store in the area, and a great place to buy spices in bulk, fresh meats, cheese and any baked items. Everyone will receive an ice cream cone before departing for home!



Includes: Transportation, lunch, admissions per itinerary, treats as described, step-on guide, meal and guide gratuities, and taxes.


Payment Options

Payments can be made by the following:

  • Paying via credit card incurs a 3%, non-refundable, convenience fee.  (3.33% fee for American Express).

  • Paying via check, money order, or cash incurs no charge.

  • Paying via electronic check (also known as ACH) incurs no charge and only requires your routing and account number. ACH stands for Automated Clearing House, a network that allows for electronic money transfers between banks and credit unions in the United States.  Please call us for more details on ACH.


Travel insurance is optional. To be eligible for the waiver of pre-existing medical condition exclusion, the protection plan must be purchased within 21 days from the time you make your initial deposit and for the prepaid non-refundable payments or deposits. If purchased, the insurance premium is refundable during the 21-day review period, unless you have filed a claim or departed on your trip. The insurance premium is nonrefundable after the 21-day review period. To view/download the Policy, go to:


One-Day - Cancellation and Refund Policy: 30 days prior to departure - Full refund less any non-refundable charges (i.e. theater tickets, service fees, etc.) unless notification of difference is noted on tour description.


NO REFUND after 29 days prior to departure.


Written notice of cancellation is required before monies refunded: mail, email or fax.


Depart: 6:00 am - Monroeville

            6:30 am - Pittsburgh

            7:00 am - Sewickley


Return: Approximately 8:00-9:00 pm


Walking Code: 2 - This tour requires that you can climb stairs and walk reasonable distances, possibly over uneven ground and walking surfaces.



Below is a list of pick-up points available on this tour.

Below is a list of pick-up points available on this tour.

Name Address
Monroeville Blvd 4000 Monroeville Blvd., Monroeville, PA 15146
Park in lot beside GetGo facing Monroeville Blvd.
Pittsburgh - Stanwix 625 Stanwix Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Pickup between parking garage & Two Gateway Center
Sewickley Mt. Nebo-Lenzner Terminal (free parking)
110 Lenzner Court, Sewickley, PA 15143
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110 Lenzner Court, Sewickley, PA 15143