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25016 Music & Might:Military Bands @ the World

25016 Music & Might:Military Bands @ the World

The "From Only" and "From Price" reflects the Double Occupancy rate for this tour. See one of the largest military band performances in the U.S.! Named one of the "Top 100 Events in North America!" Guaranteed Departure!

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  • Services provided by Lenzner Tours

  • Standard Brochure Per Person Rates:

        $1,049.00 double occupancy     $905.00 triple occupancy

      $839.00 quad occupancy          $1,299.00 single occupancy

  • Two Nights in Virginia Beach, VA

  • Norfolk, VA

  • Guided Tour of Norfolk

  • Virginia International Tattoo

  • Parade of Nations

  • NATO International Village

  • USS Wisconsin

  • Nauticus Museum

  • Cape Henry Lighthouse

  • Photos Courtesy of VisitNorfolk

  • Guaranteed Departure

Click HERE for Tour Flyer


Day 1

Take a trip to Norfolk, Virginia to see the Virginia International Tattoo, elaborate military marching band performances featuring personnel from over a dozen militaries around the world. Named the "Top 100 Events in North America" by the American Bus Association. Stay in Virginia Beach for two nights.

Day 2

This morning, visit the Nauticus Museum and the USS Wisconsin before the NATO Fest to include seated access to the NATO Parade of Nations, the longest continuously running parade in Hampton Roads, with military bands, local and visiting high school performers, and colorful floats. Join in the NATO International Village to explore the heritage, cultural performances, art, cuisine, and craft beers of participating countries. You will have a step-on guided tour of Norfolk before the spectacular performance of the Virginia International Tattoo, one of the largest military band performances in the U.S.


Day 3

Visit the Cape Henry Lighthouse before traveling home with a greater appreciation of the wonderful city of Norfolk.


CB=Continental Breakfast, BL=Box Lunch

Includes: Transportation, lodging, two breakfasts, dinner, guided tour of Norfolk, reserved seating for the VA International Tattoo, NATO Fest to include the Parade of Nations and International Village, step-on guide gratuity, baggage handling, and taxes


Deposit: $200.00 per person


Balance due: March 11, 2025; Please call for availability after this date


Payment Options:

Payments can be made by the following:

  • Paying via credit card incurs a 3% non-refundable convenience fee (3.33% fee for American Express).

  • Paying via check, money order, or cash incurs no charge.

  • Paying via electronic check (also known as ACH) incurs no charge and only requires your routing and account number. ACH stands for Automated Clearing House, a network that allows for electronic money transfers between banks and credit unions in the United States. Please call us for more details on ACH.


Cancellation Policy:  45 days prior – No charge; 44 days or less—NO REFUND.


Written notice of cancellation is required before monies refunded.


Depart: 6:00 am - Sewickley

            6:30 am - Pittsburgh

            7:00 am - Monroeville

            7:15 am - Irwin

            7:30 am - New Stanton


Walking Code 3: This tour includes moderate physical activity. The itinerary blends some longer days with shorter days and more leisure time. Walking tours, as well as walking slightly longer distances, up stairs or on uneven walking surfaces should be expected.


Insurance: Travel insurance is optional. To be eligible for the waiver of pre-existing medical condition exclusion, the protection plan must be purchased within 21 days from the time you make your initial deposit and for the prepaid non-refundable payments or deposits. If purchased, the insurance premium is refundable during the 21-day review period, unless you have filed a claim or departed on your trip. The insurance premium is nonrefundable after the 21-day review period. To view/download the Policy, go to:

Below is a list of pick-up points available on this tour.

Below is a list of pick-up points available on this tour.

Name Address
Irwin Target Parking Lot -between Target and Eat 'n Park
Route 30 West, Irwin, PA 15642
Monroeville Blvd 4000 Monroeville Blvd., Monroeville, PA 15146
Park in lot beside GetGo facing Monroeville Blvd.
New Stanton New Stanton - Gravel Parking Lot-Turnpike Tollgate
Pittsburgh - Stanwix 625 Stanwix Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Pickup between parking garage & Two Gateway Center
Sewickley Mt. Nebo-Lenzner Terminal (free parking)
110 Lenzner Court, Sewickley, PA 15143
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Apr 25 2025 $1,049.00 Loading
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110 Lenzner Court, Sewickley, PA 15143